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The Flemish Eye forms a Reinforced Crimped Loop in Mono Line

The Flemish Eye is used to provide chafe protection in a crimped loop in mono line, although you could use a short length of rig tubing on a plain loop instead.

Use it for connecting to straight eyed hooks, swivels, lures and other rigging hardware.

The instructions below show how to create an open loop, but if it is used to connect to a hook or a swivel the line end of the line must be threaded through the eye of the hook or swivel before commencing the twists, and again on completion of the twists before re-inserting the line back through the sleeve.

Here's how to make one ...

As a general rule, oval-section sleeves and double-barrel sleeves provide more secure crimped connections than round-sectioned sleeves.However, if you're going to tuck the tag end back through the sleeve a third time as shown in the following illustrations, then the round section sleeve is best of all.

Stage 1

First, slide a round-section sleeve over the line, make an overhand knot and tuck the end through at least one more time.

The number of times you'll be able to do this will depend on the size of the loop and the diameter of the line. You'll know you've gone one too far when the loop starts to deform

Stage 2

Then thread the tag end of the line back through the sleeve, around the standing part and back through the sleeve again.

Pull it tight as shown - you may need pliers for this.

Stage 3

Finally, compress the sleeve with a set of crimpers (not pliers)to secure it all before trimming off the tag end

The illustration indicates the use of a single round-section sleeve. If there's not enough space to poke the tag end back through the sleeve as described above, for ultimate security you could slide it through a second sleeve astern of the first one.

  Other related pages...
  Connecting Lures to Mono Line
  Special Knots for Braid Lines
  Connecting Hooks, Swivels and Lures to Single-Strand Wire Line
  Forming a Stand-Off dropper Loop in Mono Line
  How to Connect a Shock Leader
  Forming a Reinforced Loop In Mono Line
  Connecting Mono Line Directly to Single-strand Wire Line
  Making Crimped Connections