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How to Tie One of the Stronger Versions of the Dropper Loop

The Dropper Loop (also known as both a blood loop and a snood loop) is designed to stand off from the line at 90 degrees - and therein lies the problem.

No line likes a sharp bend like this - it will always create internal stresses resulting in an inherent weakness.

There are several versions of this knot, but the one described here is one of the strongest.

It's primary use is in making up a paternoster for baited hooks, or for a muppet jigging rig.

As an alternative you could use a 3-way swivel, attaching the lines with Uni-Knots.

Here's how to tie it ...

Stage 1

First, form a simple loop like this, then take the top of the loop and ...

Stage 2

Then, pass it through the gap shown so it looks like this. Now take the top of the loop formed and pass it through the square gap shown.

Stage 3

You could repeat the process for added security, but for most practical purposes you've done enough. So ...

Stage 4

Finally, lubricate with saliva and draw the knot up tight. Attach your hook link to it by cow-hitching the two loops together.

  Other related pages...
  Connecting Lures to Mono Line
  Special Knots for Braid Lines
  Connecting Hooks, Swivels and Lures to Single-Strand Wire Line
  Forming a Stand-Off dropper Loop in Mono Line
  How to Connect a Shock Leader
  Forming a Reinforced Loop In Mono Line
  Connecting Mono Line Directly to Single-strand Wire Line
  Making Crimped Connections