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Use the Braid Knot to Connect a Swivel to Braided Line

The Braid Knot is the most secure way of connecting swivels and snaps to braided lines. It's been designed to deal with the special qualities of today's hi-tech braid lines, some of which can have a tendency to slip when tied with other knots.

Even so this knot, like all knots must be tied with care.

Pull it up slowly and evenly so that the loops snug up neatly and don't overlap.

If it doesn't look right - one of the loops is looser than the others for example - cut it off and start again.

Incidentally, think carefully before using braid lines for hook lengths, as it chafes a lot more easily than other lines.

Boat anglers will use this knot when connecting a snap swivel to the end of their braided reel line, for attaching their terminal rig.

Here's how to tie it ..

Stage 1

First, double the line and pass the resulting loop through the eye of the hook.

Stage 2

Then, from a point a few centimeters from the eye, take about 8-10 turns back toward the hook, finally threading the doubled line through the gap between the turns and the eye.

Stage 3

Finally, lubricate it with saliva and then cinch it up tight with a steady, continuous pull.

This is one of the two braid knots you need to know, the other being for connecting your braided reel line to a monofilament leader. The best knot for that is the? Albright Knot.

  Other related pages...
  Connecting Lures to Mono Line
  Special Knots for Braid Lines
  Connecting Hooks, Swivels and Lures to Single-Strand Wire Line
  Forming a Stand-Off dropper Loop in Mono Line
  How to Connect a Shock Leader
  Forming a Reinforced Loop In Mono Line
  Connecting Mono Line Directly to Single-strand Wire Line
  Making Crimped Connections