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World distribution map for the wahoo

Common Names

Wahoo, barracuda, kingfish, malata kingfish, Pacific king-fish, and queen fish are common names in the English language. Other names include acantocibio (Italian), al (Marshallese), cavala da india (Portuguese), kamasu-sawara (Japanese), keskas (Palauan), kin fis (Creole), mersad (Palauan), ngal (Carolinian), nguru-maskati (Swahili), ono (Hawaiian), paala (Samoan), paere (French), peto (Spanish), serra-da-india (Portuguese), sierra (Spanish), and solandra (Polish) are some of the common names of this fish.

Geographical Distribution

The wahoo is distributed worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. In the Atlantic Ocean, it is found from the North American coast to approximately 40??W longitude, and from about 35??N to 38??S latitude. In the north Atlantic off the Carolinas (US) and Bermuda, the abundance of this fish is highly seasonal, being more abundant during the warmer summer months. It is distributed in the Gulf of Mexico and off the west coast of Central America. The wahoo is also present in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, from the east coast of Africa to the waters off Sri Lanka. Additionally, it is found in the Indo-Pacific and in the central Pacific Ocean to approximately 150??W longitude.

The wahoo is pelagic, living in solitary or forming small, loose aggregations. They congregate near drifting objects including sargassum. Wahoo move with the changing seasons, traveling into cooler waters during warm summer months.