Spot occur along the Atlantic coast in estuarine and coastal waters from the Gulf of Maine to Florida.
However, they are most abundant from Chesapeake Bay south to South Carolina.
They have been collected from the main stem and all tributaries of Chesapeake Bay.
Spot have one of the most extensive distributions of any marine-estuarine fishes in the Bay.
Adult spot migrate seasonally, entering bays and estuaries in the spring, where they remain until late summer or fall when they move offshore to spawn.
Spot often congregate over oyster beds.
Adult spot are primarily found in 5 parts per thousand or higher salinity, while juveniles are found in estuaries all the way to freshwater.
Primary nursery areas for juvenile spot occur in low salinity areas of bays and tidal creeks, but they can also be found associated with eelgrass communities.
As water temperatures decrease in the fall, most juveniles move to the ocean by December, but some may overwinter in deeper waters of the Bay.