Common names of this fish in the English language include Atlantic spadefish (named for its spade-like body shape), angelfish, Atlantic spade, butterfly fish, jackass, leathercoat, moonfish, ocean cobbler, pot cover, sea donkey, spadefish, threebanded sheephead, threetailed porgy, tripletail, white angel, and white angelfish. Other common names include Atlantisk spadefisk (Danish)
Geographical Distribution
The Atlantic spadefish is the only member of the family Ephippidae to reside in the western Atlantic Ocean. It is limited in range to the Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts (US) south to southeastern Brazil, including the northern Gulf of Mexico. It is also found off Bermuda and throughout the Caribbean.
This schooling fish is abundant within the shallow marine and brackish waters of mangroves, beaches, harbors, and shipwrecks. It is found at depths of 3-35 m. Juvenile Atlantic spadefish reside in very shallow water, often swimming at an angle, disguising themselves as dead leaves or mangrove pods to avoid predation. Adults often school in groups of up to 500 individuals.